Investing in the present,
changing the future

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Rare Earths Royalty Acquisition - 1 July 2024

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2023 Annual Report & Accounts

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Latest corporate presentation

We play a key role in the energy transition through investing in mining operations that provide the commodities required for the energy transition and a sustainable future.


Chart of pro-forma commodity exposure by assets: 80% future facing
Chart of pro-form geographic exposure by assets: 95% OECD
Chart of pro-forma exposure to producing assets: 65% producing
*Based on the book value of assets as at 31 December of the relevant year, net of deferred tax where applicable.


principle royalty and streaming-related assets across 5 continents and 10 commodities




2023: Results in line with expectations 

Royalty related revenue ($m)


2022: 141.9

Adjusted earnings per share (US$c)


2022: 37.55p

Free cash flow ($m)


2022: 56.46

Financial highlights

Investor news

Share price

Cash dividends

Semi-annual cash dividends based on range
of 25-35% of free cash flow

Latest document/presentation

Acquisition of royalty over Phalaborwa rare earths project

RNS feed


Investing in Ecora Resources

Ecora continues to successfully execute its strategy to acquire royalties and streams over low-cost operations and projects with strong management teams, in well-established mining jurisdictions in the commodities required for a sustainable future.

Find out more:



Our strategy

The construction of a wind turbine to showcase Ecora's commitment to investing in sustainability


Ecora Resources believes that investment success and long-term value can only be achieved through sustainable and responsible investment with a strong focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. As a result, we are committed to integrating ESG considerations into our strategic decision making and capital allocation process and corporate behaviours. 

Our sustainability framework

We have developed a new framework for Ecora’s sustainability strategy that clearly communicates the areas that are of key focus. Our sustainability activities have been divided up to sit underneath two key pillars: Responsible business and Responsible investors. Underneath these we have identified six priority areas under which we will report.


Responsible business

Being a responsible business means looking after our people. At Ecora, we promote health and safety, well-being, diversity and inclusion, and continuous improvement and development of our employee culture and skillset. We are also committed to operating our business with the highest standards of ethics and integrity and we proactively seek to align our frameworks with globally recognised initiatives such as the UNGC. 

Responsible business


Responsible investors

Long-term value for all our stakeholders can only be achieved through sustainable and responsible investment. We look to finance resources that enable a sustainable future, and to influence others in the mining sector towards sustainable outcomes.

Responsible investors


Contact us

Get in touch if you have any enquiries regarding our investor propositions, our portfolio or anything else.

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