Cañariaco, Peru / Copper and gold
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Cañariaco is a large-scale copper project which includes the Cañariaco Norte deposit, the Cañariaco Sur deposit and the Quebrada Verde prospect located 3.5km south of Cañariaco Norte and immediately south-south-west of Cañariaco Sur.
Early stage
Copper and gold
Alta Copper
Royalty rate and type
0.5% NSR
Balance sheet classification
Royalty intangible
The Group has a 0.5% life of mine NSR royalty over the project which is majority owned by TSX-listed Alta Copper Corp. (‘Alta’).
Alta Copper announced an infill drilling campaign commencing in H1 2025 targeting high-grade mineralisation zones at Cañariaco Norte, accompanied by an exploration program in the nearby and highly prospective Cañariaco Sur and Quebrada Verde extensions (all of which are within Ecora’s royalty area). Alta Copper’s largest shareholder Fortescue Ltd. (34%) continued to support the project’s development via a C$2.5 million private placement during the period